complete yellow fields, results are returned in red
      Energy Intake Calculator            
    The Calculator using waist girth and body weight to predict muscle mass and Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR). An occupational energy expenditure is then added along with an exercise energy expenditure and a lifestyle energy expenditure. Both of these equations take into consideration current fitness level and likely energy output. Using the Goal Weight section will give Calorie or Kilojoule intake advice.     
    weight lbs percentage bf waist bmr    
        I Inch = 2.54 cms   1kg = 2.2 lbs    
      Personal Statistics              
          Time Frame (weeks)
        fitness level
                fitness level multiplier    
      Occupation       daily hours worked    
      Average working hours Activity Quotient Desk bound, no movement none
      Office Work light movement Light          
      Standing work, some walking, customer service, child care light/moderate          
      Constant low intensity movement, nursing, cleaning, delivery moderate     Strength vo2    
      Constant moderate intensity movement, lawn mowing, landscaping, sports coaching, factory work moderate/heavy        
        Heavy manual labouring, furniture removals, digging heavy     Aerobic vo2    
              daily hours of activity    
      Lifestyle shopping, playing with children, beach swimming, light outdoor activites light
    work multiplier    
        house cleaning, gardening, home repairs, social sports moderate        
                work expenditure    
                lifestyle multiplyer    
      Exercise Level     Intensity Level Average Exercise Session Time (mins) Lifesyle expenditure    
         Number of Strength Training or interval training Sessions per week
            Intensity Level Average Exercise Session Time (mins)      
        Number of endurance or cardio based exercise sessions per week
            exercise time        
      Results aerobic exercise time        
    Estimated Percent Body Fat*            
      *Estimated using gender specific equations based on waist girth and body mass. Actually body fat will vary due to difference in body shape but for the purpose of this calculator the accuracy is valid       
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